A bit of a little mini-series of events.

It started out as just the image from scene 5, but my imagination grew it to more. As you can tell by the number, there’s going to be more, with this one being in the middle.
~ Foxzilla.

Life can be exhausting. Doubly so if you are pregnant and full term with twins. Such is Fui’s life: if she’s not saving the world, she’s helping out in her mom’s bakery or doing other things. Right now, she needs some relaxing time and to give her body some relief. Thankfully, a shower accomplishes both.

Setting her phone down for a second, Fui began taking off her underwear before hopping in the shower. The panties were easy to get off… but as she was as flat as a pancake before her pregnancy, wearing a bra is still foreign to her and still something she has to get used to.

Feeling like she won’t be able to do it for much longer, Fui decided that… maybe, her gaming fans deserved to see what was going on with her life. They were in for a surprise:

“Hard to believe I’m going to be a mother to twins any second now… it’s surreal. And I’m fricken huge; i knew pregnancy would make me huge, but just look at me- i am literally a house. And yet… I think i’ll miss this… naaaaah.”

While waiting for her pic to upload for her fans to see, the babies began to move around and kick like crazy. It wasn’t anything she wasn’t used to by now, though the timing makes her think they don’t like that they were photographed without permission, as humorous as it was.
It also dawned on her that she won’t be able to experience this for much longer with the twins ready to come any day now. So, she leaned against the sink and relaxed for a few, waiting for the upload while rubbing her stretched belly, letting the twins get their exercise over with - in truth, moving while they are kicking is pretty awkward.

“setting her phone down, Fui made her way towards the shower, her enormous lumbering orb of a pregnant belly leading the way.”

Series still in progress…